Sunday, May 17, 2015

States of Consciousness

Sleep - State of consciousness - less aware of surroundings
Biological Rhythms

  • Annual - Seasonal Variations (Hibernate, SAD)
  • 28 Day - Menstrual
  • 24 H - Circadian Rhythm
  • 90 min - Sleep Cycles
Circadian Rhythm - Bio Clock; Bodt temperature & awareness change throughout the day

Sleep Stages

5 stages; takes 90-100 min; brain waves change depending on the stage.
1st 4 stages -> Non REM Sleep        5th stage -> REM sleep
  1. Stage 1 - Awake-ish & asleep-ish; small duration during the night. eyes slightly roll, Theta waves
  2. Stage 2 - Baseline, part of 90 min. cycle (45-60% of sleep); more theta waves -> slows down; show sleep spindles - short bursts of brain activity
  3. Stages 3 and 4 - Slow wave sleep w/delta waves; if awakened, very groggy; restores body's growth hormones and good overall health. IMPORTANT
    • 15-30 min.; slows brain activity -> delta waves have higher amp; DEEPEST SLEEP; Delta sleep needed by sleep-deprived; 40% of sleep time in children ("dead asleep")
  4. REM Sleep - Very active sleep; stage of sleep; body paralysis; 20-25% of sleep; breathing, brain activity, and heart rate increase; REM -> Stage 2

Sleep Disorders

  • Insomnia - Recurring problems falling asleep or staying asleep; not from avg. amount of sleep
  • Narcolepsy - Uncontrollable sleep attacks; Directly to REM sleep (from joy or fear)
  • Sleep Apnea - Temporary cessations in breathing while asleep and consequent momentary awakenings
  • Night Terrors - High arousal and terrified appearance in stage 4; forgotten
  • Sleepwalking - During deep nonREM sleep early in the night
Dreams - Sequence of images, emotions, and thoughts through a sleeping person's mind
  • Manifest - Remembered storyline of a dream
  • Latent - Underlying meaning of a dream
  • Freud - Key to understand hidden conflicts; ideas and thoughts hidden in unconscious
  • Information Processing - Dreams act to understand and sort out memories of the day
    • REM sleep increases after stressful events
  • Activation Synthesis - Brainstem reduces random neural activity, dreams try to interpret that activity.

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