Recall vs. Recognition
- Recall - Retrieve info from memory
- Recognition - Identify target from possible targets
Memory Process
- Encoding - Processing of information
- Storage - Retention of encoded material over time
- Retrieval - Getting info out of storage
Sensory Memory - A half second holding tank for all sensory info; Iconic/Echoic Memory
Short Term Memory - Encoded from STM; encoded visually, acoustically, or semantically; holds 7 items for 20 seconds; works better with numbers
Methods to convert STM to LTM
- Chunking - Organizing items into familiar, manageable units.
- Mnemonic Devices
- Rehearsal
Long Term Memory - Limitless storehouse of information
- Explicit (declarative) memories; includes episodic and semantic memories
- Implicit (non-declarative) memories; includes procedural and conditioned memories
Encoding Information - Serial positioning effect
- Primary - We remember the first items the best
- Recency effect - We remember the last items after just hearing them
Spacing effect - Ebbinghaus's forgetting curve
Encoding ways
- Visual - Encoding pictures
- Acoustic - Encoding of sound, esp. sound of words
- Semantic - Encoding meaning
Flashbulb Memories - Memories of significant events
Mood Congruent Memory - Memories retrieved match current mood
State Dependent Mood - Memories retrieved match current state
- Retroactive interference - New info blocks out old info
- Proactive interference - old information blocks out new information
Long Term Potentiation
- Long-lasting improvement in signal transmission between two neurons that results fro stimulating them synchronously
- Improved efficiency creates memories
Train your memory!
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