Types of Learning
Classical - Pavlov
- Unconditioned Stimulus - Naturally and automatically triggers a response
- Unconditioned Response - The unlearned, naturally occurring response to the UCS
- Conditioned Stimulus - After association, triggers response
- Conditioned Response - Learned response to previously neutral stimulus
- Acquisition - Initial stage of learning; neutral stimulus associated with UCS -> neutral stimulus elicit CR [CS before UCS; close in timing]
- Extinction - Diminishing of conditioned response -> UCS does not follow CS
- Spontaneous Recovery - Reappearance of extinguished CS
- Generalization - Likelihood for stimuli similar to CS to elicit responses
- Discrimination - Ability to distinguish between CS and other stimuli that does not signal UCS
Learning which behavior is strengthened if followed by reinforcement or diminished if followed by punishment
- Classical vs. Operant - Acquisition, Discrimination, SR, Generalization, Extinction
- Classical - Automatic respondent behavior
- Operant - Behavior influence environment, can have consequences
Edward Thorndike - (Law of Effect) Rewarded behavior likely to recover
B.F. Skinner
- Shaping - Procedure in op. conditioning in which reinforcers guide behavior closer toward goal
- Reinforcer - Event that strengthens behavior
- Positive - Stimulus after response
- Negative - Reducing/ Removal of aversive stimulus
- Primary - innately reinforcing stimulus
- Secondary - Reinforces through association with primary stimulus
- Continuous - Reinforces after every occurrence
- Partial - Reinforces after certain response part
- Fixed Ratio - Reinforces response after certain # of responses
- Variable Ratio - Reinforces after unpredictable amount of responses
- Fixed Interval - Reinforces after elapsed time
- Variable Interval - Reinforces after unpredictable time intervals
Punishments - To reduce behaviors
- Positive - Addition of something unpleasant
- Negative - Removal of something pleasant
- Works when done after behavior and is harsh
Token Economy - Desirable behavior -> Token
- Can be used for prizes (reinforcers); in homes,prisons,asylums, and schools
- Observational Learning + Operant Conditioning = Social Learning Theory
Insight Learning - Wolfgang Koehler & Chimpanzees - Learn through "Ah Ha" Experience.