Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Biological School

Nervous System

  • Starts with the neuron

Firing Methods

  • Resting Charge - Slightly neg charge
  • Reach threshold if enough neurons reach dendrites
  • Go into Action Potential (firing)
All or None Response - Fires or not; no in-between

Neurotransmitter - Chemical messages released by terminal buttons

  • Acetylcholine (ACH) - Motor movement and memory. Less = risk of Alzheimer's
  • Dopamine - Motor movement and alertness. Less = Parkinson's  /  Excess = Schizophrenia
  • Serotonin - Mood control. Less = Clinical depression
  • Endorphins - Pain control. Addictive drugs deal with endorphins.
  • Norepiinephrine - Alertness and arousal. Less = Depression  /  Excess = Mania
  • GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) - Major inhibitory neurotransmitters. Less = Tremors, seizures, and isomnia.
  • Glutamate - Major excitatory neurotransmitter; involved in memory. Excess = Migraines (MSG avoidance)

Types of Neurons

  • Sensory - Take information from the senses to the brain
  • Inter - Messages from sensory neurons to other parts of brain or to motor
  • Motor - Send info from brain to body

Types of Nervous Systems

  • Central - Spine and Brain
  • Peripheral - Nerves outside of bone; somatic and autonomic
    • Somatic - Voluntary muscle movement, uses motor neurons
    • Autonomic - Automatic functions (Sympathetic, Parasympathetic)
      • Sympathetic - Fight or flight, heart rate up, breathing up, pupil dilation, slow digestion
      • Parasympathetic - Slows after event, heart rate down, breathing down, pupils constrict, speeds digestion.
  • Reflex - Sensory take info up thru spine to brain. Reactions when sensory reach spinal cord.
Endocrine System - System of glands that secrete hormones (Like neurons, but slower)

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