Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Research Methods

Hypothesis - Expresses relationship between two variables


  • Independent - Whatever is being manipulated
  • Dependent - Measured
  • Confounding - Anything that manipulates, but is not the independent variable.
  • Operational - Explain what your hypothesis means

Definitions - Measured in 'real life' terms

Sampling -  Identify population subject; must be representative of population you study

Experimental Method - Prove casual relationships; Cause = Effect

  • Hawthorne Effect - Control group can change

Correlational Method - Expresses relationship between two variables; does not show causation

Survey Method - Most common study; measures correlation; cheap and fast

  • Needs a good random sample; low response rate

Naturalistic Observation - Watch subjects in their natural environment

Correlation Coefficient - A number that measures strength of a relationship; from -1 to +1; Weaker closer to zero.

Case Study - Detailed picture of one or few subjects

  • Great story; no correlational data - just descriptive. 

Statistics - Recording results from studies

  • Need common language for understanding
  • Descriptive Statistics - describes sets of data
  • Range - Distance from highest to lowest scores

Standard Deviation - Variance of scores around the mean

  • Higher variance = More Distribution Spread
Z scores - Unit that measures the distance of one score from the mean
  • + = Above the mean
  • - = Below the mean

Ethical Guidelines for Research

Animal Research

  • Clear purpose
  • Treated in a humane way
  • Acquire animals legally
  • Least amount of suffering possible

Human Research

  • No coercion, must be voluntary
  • Informed consent
  • Anonymity
  • No significant risk
  • Must debrief


  1. I now know that confounding variable and independent variable are different

  2. Very nice blog, I didn't know there was actually a word for the extra variables in an experiment. I now know they are called confounding variables.

  3. Can you use one Betho inside of another? Such as a survey in a case study.

  4. I would think that using another method in a method would be ineffective since the other method is not optimized for the topic.
