Thursday, January 29, 2015


Interestingly, I found a bunch of mini lessons on personality from the Jung perspective. Here are a couple of screenshots from some of the lessons:

Abnormal Psychology

Abnormal psychology 

 A "harmful dysfunction" in which behavior is judged to be atypical, disturbing, maladaptive, and unjustifiable.

  • Trephination - To release evil spirits

  • DSMIV(Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) It helps to identify disorders and describe symptoms. However, it does NOT find causes or cures.

  • Neurotic Disorders - Distressing, but fine

  • Psychotic Disorders - Loses reality, distorted perceptions
Anxiety Disorders - Conditions where symptoms are anxiety. Fears of something awful; state of intense apprehension, uneasiness, uncertainty.

  1. Phobias - Episode of intense dread
  2. GAD - (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) Constantly anxious; nervous system arousal. Worried, inadequate, oversensitive; isomnia
  3. Panic Disorder- 1 min. episode of dread: terror with chest pain, frightening sensations.
  4. OCD - Obsessions causes complusions to do a certain action
  5. PTSD - Flashbacks following someone's involvement in an extremely sensitive event. Memories can cause anxiety.

Somatoform Disorders - Psychological problem through physiological problem.

  • Hypochondriasis - Frequent complaints which doctors cannot find cause.
  • Conversion disorder- Report of severe physical problems with no biological reason.

Dissociative Disorders -  Disruption in the thinking process

  • Psychogenic Amnesia - cannot remember things with no physiological basis for disruption of memory
  • Dissociative Fugue - find themselves in an unfamiliar environment
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder - (Multiple Personality) Several integrated personalities. History of childhood abuse or trauma.

Mood Disorders - Extreme or inappropriate emotion

  • Depression - At least two weeks; unknown cause; "common cold."
  • Dysthymic Disorder- Mild depression; 24/7 for two years.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder - During winter; based on sunlight.
  • Bipolar - Formally manic depression; periods of depression; Manic episodes high energy.

Personality Disorders - Well-established maladaptive ways of behaving that negatively affect functionality. Dominates personality.

Antisocial P.D - Lack empathy; don't care; world is hostile; independent.
Dependent P.D - Rely too much on attention and assistance
Histrionic P.D - Needs to be the center of attention
Narcissistic P.D - Unwarranted sense of self-importance; center of universe.

Schizophrenic Disorders - 1/100 - Disorganized thinking, disturbed perceptions, inappropriate emotions and actions

Thinking - Fragmented, bizarre, false beliefs; from breakdown in selective attention - no filter
  1. Persecution - Being pursued
  2. Grandeur - Being godly
  • Hallucinations - sensory experiences without sensory stimulation
Inappropiate - Laugh at bad time; Flat effect - emotion down; Senseless, compulsive; Catatonia - motionless wavy flexability.
Positive vs. Negative - Posi: presence of inappropriate symptoms. Negi: Absence of inappropriate emotions.


Disorganized - in speech or behavior; inappropriate emotion ('Imagine the worst')
Paranoid - Preoccupied with delusions or hallucinations ( 'Someone is chasing me!!!')
Catatonic - Copycat of others' speech and movements
Undifferentiated - Many and varied symptoms